

Have you ever been told that you need to eat vegetables in order to be healthy? You most likely have. But, have you really known why to eat vegetables other than your parents told you to do it? In this essay I will explain the reason why you need to eat vegetables.

Vegetables, or plants in general, have cells that produce complex protein molecules called enzymes. Enzymes help you digest food in order for the cells in your body to absorb the nutrients. Enzymes are the reason why you should eat you vegetables. If your body didn’t have enzymes, you would die!

But, there is also another extremely interesting thing that enzymes do. If you have ever played a video game, you will know that in order to play it you will need a controller. Well, enzymes are your body’s controller. They send chemical reactions through your body which allow your body to move. If you don’t have enzymes, or molecular catalysts, you would not be able to see, hear, taste, move, talk, think, digest, repair organs and remove toxins. In a way, you would be dead, but not really dead.

But do not fear, you have no need to run for the fridge and eat as many vegetables as possible, your body produces enzymes by itself. However, as you get older your body can not produce enzymes as much, because of this you are more prone to get diseases (because your body can not be able to fight off toxins as much)  so you will need to eat more vegetables more as you get older.

But, if your body already makes enough enzymes right now, why should you eat your vegetables? Well, the more enzymes you have the more benefits you will have, and less negative effects you will have. By eating your vegetables you improve your digestion, immune system, allergic reactions, also (this one, in my opinion is extremely interesting) having more enzymes will reduce the effects of aging, decrease muscle or joint pain and overall will decrease chances of getting a disease.

Because of how you eat, your body may not make enough enzymes to break down the food you eat and absolve the nutrients of the food. As listed above, by eating more vegetables will help with this. Without eating more vegetables your body may not be able to repair organs or skin tissue, but if you do eat more vegetables your body can do this.

Throughout this essay you may be wondering, why vegetables? Can’t I eat other food, like meat? Well, yes you can, but vegetables have enzymes that are designed to help you digest your food and absorb the nutrients in your food. Meat has these enzymes as well, but when you cook the meat the enzymes become inactive (this also happens if you cook vegetables over 116 degrees Fahrenheit)! And you can’t not cook meat. In order to safely eat meat it must be cooked to kill any bad things that might be in the meat.

Now that you know just exactly why you should eat you vegetables other than your parents told you to, you might not think it that bad. Vegetables are the versatile food for healthy eating, they contain everything your body needs to repair and take care of itself. Remember this the next time your parents give you the task of eating those last few vegetables on your plate!


Water Hydration


In today’s society water is an undervalued and underappreciated component of fitness. People seem to think that the benefits of drinking the right amount of water are small and not worth the trouble. However, to think about water like this is actually wrong, water does have great benefits to you, and is definitely worth the trouble. In this essay I will show you why.

Before the benefits of water can be explained, I think it best that you should know how much to drink in order to gain these benefits. If you have ever done some research on this question, you have probably found that people say to drink up to eight 8-ounce glasses per day. This theory is wrong. There are no firm conclusions that tell us that this is the right amount to drink per day. The correct way to find out how much to drink is to weigh yourself, divide your total weight in half, and that is the amount of fluid ounces of water that you need to drink per day. So, roughly around every 120 pounds you weigh, you need about 1.8 quarts (or eight cups) of water per day. If you are working out, or doing some strenuous task, your body will require more water per day.

Then the question is posed, why do I need to drink this much water per day? Well, the simple answer to this is that you need to replace the amount of water that your body loses each day. You can lose water in many ways, a few are: Exhaling, sweating, talking and exercising.

Now that you have a good idea of how much to drink per day, and why, we can begin going over the benefits of drinking this much water per day. The best way to do this is by looking at what would happen if you didn’t drink water.

Without water, your body would not work properly. Your body is mostly 70% water and higher so If you don’t drink any water, your body will not function properly. This can cause problems like: Your blood will become thicker, making your heart have to work harder which will result in high blood pressure. Without drinking water your brain (which will be one of the first things to stop working properly because it can’t store water) will work in a sort of slow motion, this may cause you to think slower (take a longer time to figure things out) and not remember things as easily. Because your muscles don’t have the water they need, your risk of collapsing or passing out raises.

As you can see, the benefits of drinking water are a fully functioning-to-the-maximum body. You can recall things faster, think faster (or take less time to figure things out), have a good blood pressure, and have your chances of passing out decrease exponentially. So, as a reminder to drink water, keep a water bottle close, and record how much you drink to find out if you drank enough today!





England And King Arthur


The first people to live England were called the Britons. They lived there for a period of time until the fall of Rome, that is when the Angles came. By the time of the 5th century, the Angles had a strong grip on England. However, they were not the only people to try to settle there. The Saxons, who came from what is know today as Germany, invaded England also.

However, the Britons were not going to easily be defeated. There were twelve major battles that were fought between the Angles and the Britons, and the Saxons and the Britons.  This is where the well-known here called King Arthur comes into the history of England.

As a quick reminder, I do not believe that King Arthur, as he is described in the stories, is real. I am more inclined to believe that there was someone who is like him, a figurehead, a great leader, or something along those lines. I believe that King Arthur is a glorified version of this, meant to inspire and motivate the people of England.

It is said that King Arthur was a leader in these great battles between the Britons and their foes.  But of all of the twelve battles, the most important battle was The Battle of Badon Hill. It is said that King Arthur killed 960 foes single-handedly that day. Later, after all of the battles, king Arthur had come to be known as a figure of chivalry, leadership, and bravery.

After a while, the Britons came to end their wars with the Anglo-Saxons, and lived peacefully together until the invasion of Normans in 1066 A.D.

In conclusion, king Arthur is most likely to be a great leader in battle, but not what he is seen as in the stories. He helped greatly in the wars between the Britons and Anglo-Saxons, and is an inspirational and motivational person for both his time, and ours.

How The Raccoon Got Its Mask

Max the raccoon was the village thief, or at least he wanted to be. He was quite good at slight-of-hand, and all of what was needed to become a good thief. But he had one problem, he had a large whit spot around his eyes. This spot always gave him away. Each time he tried to pick a pocket in the dark he was found out because they could see that spot.

Once, as he was walking along an alleyway he spotted very rich man, and decided that he would swipe his wallet from him. He stalked up to the man and reached out his paw, but immediately and swiftly the man (who spotted the white spot in the dark), swung around and landed a blow on Max with his umbrella. This is just one in a series of Max’s failures.

Max couldn’t stand it, he knew that he was a good thief, but he had to cover up that spot. So he thought, he thought for quite long time until he came up with an idea. Max decided he would take a small paper bag and cut out some eye holes so that he could see, but have the spot hidden.

Again he waited in the ally, the rich man came around the corner again. Max put on his paper bag and stalked up to the man, the eye holes were working perfectly! However, as he was reaching he paw out, the bag slipped down and Max could not see. His instinct was to lift the bag up, so he did. The man heard the bag, and again landed a blow on poor Max.

Max ran went home and sat down on his bed. “What a failure I am.” he thought to himself, and laid down to sleep.

Max woke up bright and early, with new ideas to cover up the spot. He decided that he would go to Jack the weasel, who was the best thief around. Surely Jack would know what to do!

It was rainy and mucky, but Max didn’t care, he ran down the old dirt road that lead to the town that Jack worked in. He was almost there when he tripped on a rock and fell smack-dab in the  mud! He picked himself up, the mud covered his eyes so he couldn’t see. He stumbled around until he cam to the house of an old rabbit.

Max asked if he could wash his face off, after being told that he could, the old rabbit led him into her house. He wiped off his eyes so he could see, and looked in the mirror, what he saw, was no white spot! The mud had stained his white spot brown!

Max was too excited to care about the rest of his muddy face, he thanked the old rabbit and ran directly home. When he arrived, he washed himself off, and got some black dye. Carefully, he dyed his white spot black until there was no white left.

The next night the rich man came on his evening walk. Max took deep breath and stalked very quietly up to man and reached out with his paw. The man didn’t notice Max at all! Max grabbed a small purse full of money and ran as fast as he could away from the no-longer-rich-man.

From that day on, Max grew in his skills, and three years later, was known as the best thief in the land. More wanted by the government then Jack the Weasel! Max never did steal from that kind old rabbit, as a token of gratitude for her good will.